Return Of Tom Dwan

  1. What Happened To Tom Dwan

Tom Dwan on the set of the new High Stakes Poker season After a 9-year break, the most famous poker TV show — High Stakes Poker, announced a new season. PokerGO channel confirmed the release date of all episodes of Season 8, December 16, 2020, and Tom Dwan posted videos of the filming on. In one of the final hands of 'The Return of Tom Dwan' finale on PokerGO, Bill Klein's aces are looking for help against Matt Kirk in a $980,000 pot. August 10, 2018. Read our full review. Goliathcasino is a brand owned by Goliath Poker Dwan Tom Ltd, a company incorporated under the laws of Malta. The games on this website are powered and operated by Aspire Global International LTD. Phil Ivey and Tom Dwan to be featured in the return of High Stakes Poker this December Rest of the World October 28, 2020 by Janette Dee Dating back to 2006, many poker enthusiasts today remember those times High Stakes Poker was showing on television starring the biggest names in the industry.

This week’s installment of GSN’s High Stakes Poker saw the triumphant return of Tom “durrrr” Dwan, who abruptly replaced “The Simpsons” co-creator Sam Simon after two hands. New episodes of High Stakes Poker air on Sundays at 9:00pm ET.


The first two hands of Sunday’s show featured Simon tangling with the world’s top poker pros. To kick off the episode, Simon peeked down at pocket aces, but limped for $800. Consequently, Daniel Negreanu (who held 10-2 of hearts), Antonio Esfandiari (who held 8-5), and Patrik Antonius (who held A-9) all played. The flop came 3-K-K, preserving Simon’s lead in the hand. Esfandiari led out for $4,100, Simon made it $16,000, and Esfandiari quickly folded. It was the first pot that Simon had scooped during Season V of High Stakes Poker.

The very next hand, Simon limped with A-Q found himself in a family pot with everyone except “The Notebook” director Nick Cassavetes. Seven players watched the flop came A-2-8. Negreanu led out for $3,600 with 4-5, Antonius called with A-2 for aces up, and Simon called with top pair. The turn came a six. Simon and Negreanu checked, Antonius bet $12,000, and both of his competitors called. A five fell on the river. Simon and Negreanu once again checked and Antonius fired out a bet of $37,000. High Stakes Poker host Gabe Kaplan commented, “I think Antonius is putting Sam Simon on the kind of hand that he has.” Simon proceeded to tank, with Kaplan explaining, “Amateurs have a really hard time getting away from aces. If he had K-Q and there was a king out there, he might have an easier time.” Simon called, shipping the $128,000 pot to Antonius.

After the hand, Simon abruptly left the show; no explanation was given for his departure. In exchange, the field watched as Dwan sat down. Dwan competed in the first heat of High Stakes Poker Season V and defined the game’s flow. In a massive pot that ensued, Antonius straddled, Laak led out for $6,000 with A-J, Full Tilt Poker pro Howard Lederer called with pocket eights, and Antonius called with 10-4 of spades for a discount. The flop came 3-2-4 with one spade and Laak bet $16,000. Lederer, who has been playing tight throughout the season, folded and Antonius called with top pair. The turn came the king of spades, giving Antonius a flush draw. Antonius checked, Laak bet $37,300, and Antonius called. Kaplan noted, “These two guys have played very hard at each other.” The river was the queen of diamonds. Antonius checked holding the best hand, Laak fired another bullet of $80,000, and Antonius tanked. On Laak’s bet, Kaplan observed, “Phil Laak bet really fast. Usually, that’s an indication of bluffing.” Antonius made the call and scooped the $287,400 pot, one of the largest to date on the fifth season.


The final hand of the show appropriately involved Dwan. The youngster had been relatively quiet until this point, but became involved in a sizable hand against Lederer. In it, Lederer bet $3,500 with A-K, Dwan raised to $11,300 with 8-6 offsuit, Lederer made it $36,300, and Dwan asked for a count. “Durrrr” pushed it to $65,600, leading Kaplan to exclaim, “Durrrr just 4bet Howard with an 8-6 offsuit.” Lederer made the call and the flop came 3-2-Q. The action went check-check, leading to an eight on the turn. Once again, both Dwan and Lederer checked to see a nine fall on the river. Lederer checked and Dwan checked behind, flipping over a pair of eights for the win. Lederer looked at the six in Dwan’s hand and noted, “I saw the six and just assumed there was another one.” The pot was worth $134,000.

What Happened To Tom Dwan

The episode featured Dwan and others at the table explaining to Antonius what the rules of the Durrrr Challenge were. The filming took place at the Golden Nugget in December, whereas play between Dwan and Antonius in the online contest began in February. Next week’s episode features Dwan once again wreaking havoc on the table. Antonius and Dwan also go head to head for a major pot on High Stakes Poker.