How To Play Five Card Poker

Five Card Stud, the ancestor of all modern variants of poker, used to enjoy a great deal of popularity, but now Texas Hold’em has occupied its place in the hearts of millions of poker players worldwide.

This does not mean that Five Card Stud no longer has any followers. Since it is a high-speed poker variant, several poker adventurers love this variant and prefer it to Texas Hold’em. Players also prefer Five Card Stud to other poker variants because it has easy-to-understand rules and moves at a rapid pace.

How To Play Five Card Poker Game

  1. The player with the best five-card hand wins the pot. After the pot is awarded to the best hand, a new game of Five Card Draw is ready to be played. If two or more hands have the same value, the pot is equally split among them. There is no precedence of suit for the purposes of awarding the pot.
  2. The original form of Stud poker is played with five cards. For a five-card stud poker game, you need 2-10 players and a deck of 52 cards. The betting amount is fixed in 5-card stud poker.
  3. How to Play Five Card Draw Poker – Rules for Beginners. Five Card Draw is a poker game, which is one of the most popular in the world. Today, it is represented in all the world’s casinos and even in many slot machines. Moreover, it is one of the easiest poker varieties, that is why very often it is the game the beginners start with.

The dealer deals each player five cards, placing them face down. Begin with the player to the dealer's left and deal one card to each player, going around the table until everyone is holding five cards. Every player picks up their cards from the table and checks out their hand while not revealing it to other players.

Beginners can learn to play Five Card Stud in 7 easy steps, as follows:

  1. Place the Ante
    The ante amount should be determined well in advance of the game. Once this is done, the cards are well-shuffled and a face-down card and a face-up card are dealt to each player, starting from the player seated to the left of the dealer.
  2. Place the Bring-in
    The “bring-in” is a forced bet, which the player with the weakest face-up card is made to place. There are two ways to do this:
    • The player with the weakest face-up card places a small bet, which is called the bring-in.
    • Second, no player is forced to place a bet, and the player with the strongest face-up card places a bet. In case two players have the same card, the player who is closest to the deal will have to place the bet.

    The game then moves on to several phases, called streets. Whenever a fresh card is dealt to players, it is called street.

  3. Third Street
    The players receive a third card face up, during the phase of the game called Third Street, followed by a betting round initiated by the player who has the strongest face-up card. The betting then moves in a clockwise fashion till all players have made their move.
  4. Fourth Street
    Players now receive a fourth card face up, and the maximum bet is now placed by each player who has not yet folded.
  5. Learn how to play Five Card Stud Poker using the video below

    This video has been provided by VideoJug

  6. River
    Players now receive the last card face up, during the phase of the game called River. As usual, the player with the strongest face-up card initiates the last betting round. Now it is time for the showdown, and the player who displays the strongest hand wins the pot.
  7. Hot Five Card Stud Tips
    Here are some excellent tips to help beginners play a winning game of Five Card Stud Poker:
    • Play only the best starting hands. It is better to fold weak hands instead of losing money on them in the long run.
    • Players must observe their opponents carefully as it will help them plan their own moves better. Players must, therefore, learn the art of reading and analysing poker tells to their advantage.
    • Players must also learn the art of bluffing so that opponents are forced into making major expensive mistakes and make it easier for the bluffer to grab the pot.
  8. Learn 5 Card Stud Poker Strategy
    Once players have thoroughly understood how to play 5 Card Stud Poker, it is time to learn, understand, and implement some basic strategies.
    • Watch opponents’ cards – Playing 5 Card Stud Poker is relatively easy because most of the cards are dealt face down. Players have to watch not only their own cards, but also their opponents’ cards so that can make a better move.
    • Starting hands – Players should be careful about choosing their hands because not all hands in 5 Card Stud Poker can be played.
    • Players must fold if their first three cards do not contain a pair or a better combination.
    • Players should always remember what hands have been folded so that they know all the live cards.
    • An Ace is always a great card to have, especially if it is a hole card, but players had better fold if the Ace is the only good card in their hand and if their opponents are having far better cards.
    • It is always better to fold as early as possible instead of folding late into the game. If players feel that their odds of winning are too slim, they had better fold instead of chasing their losses.
    • Bluffing is always a good strategy to use.

Further Articles


If you want to learn how to play the simplest form of poker, Five Card Draw is the right choice. Most new poker players resort to this version before they go on to playing other varieties of the game. You may not find it often at casinos, but it has been around for long definitely a useful poker game to learn.

Here is our beginner guide to Five Card Draw poker.

How To Play Poker Five Card Draw

Make sure that you do some reading before you join the poker table. Get to know the essentials of the game to get a general idea how to approach play. Go over the rules and try to remember the highlights and main points.

Draw poker is typically played with 6 players at a table, and it can be a limit, pot limit or a no-limit game. It uses a standard 52-card deck, shuffled before every hand.

Standard hand rankings still stand; make sure to review them before playing. The highest rank is the Royal Flush (10, J, Q, K and Ace of the same suit), while the lowest is the High Card (no combination formed, the highest card determines the hand value).

The objective is to complete the best 5-card poker hand (being a draw game, initially dealt cards can be discarded and replaced with new ones).

The session begins with the Big Blind and the Small Blind. This helps stimulate the action. The bets are assigned to the players to the left of the dealer. Once both Blinds are placed, the dealer can begin to distribute cardsstarting with the player to the left.


The hands are underway and each player receives 5 cards facing down. When the circle around the table is complete and every player has a hand to play, the first round of betting ensues.

How To Play Five Card Poker

The player to the left of the Big Blind gets to take action first. Available options include folding their hand, calling the current bet or raising it up.

If nobody raises, the player who placed the Big Blind receives the opportunity to check (make no bet, but still retain their hand and not fold).

After the first round of betting is complete, the players enter a stage where they have the option to discard any or all of their cards. Should they opt to do so, they can draw new ones.

Those who prefer not to discard anything, they should go for the option “Stand Pat” when it’s their turn to act.

Once the draw is concluded, another round of betting takes place. It is the final round of betting, during which players have the option to bet and take actions as before.

If there are at least two players left in the game after this, the remaining hands go into the showdown. If everyone has folded and one player remains, he or she wins the pot.

How To Play Five Card Poker

How To Play Five Card Poker Video Poker

The showdown is the final stage of the game during which hands are compared. The player with the best 5-card poker hand wins the pot.

How To Play Five Card Poker Real Money

Should there be a tie between two final players, they will split the pot in two equal halves.